
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My learnt experience on Healing

This  post is for those who believe in healing and that God does heal today, but not expecting to be healed/aren’t healed, yet.  My testimony starts in 2006, as an atheist, I was undergoing two symptoms which I ignored; being extremely tired and a complete lack of appetite.  In 2008 I moved to Virginia, this is when physically things started to get bad. My symptoms were: Extreme back pain, problems with weakness in my legs and arms.  The symptoms continued to progress as I went from a cane, to a walker to the wheelchair in 2010.  In 2011, I was diagnosed with a provisional diagnosis of ALS.  The diagnosis was later changed to an unknown neurological disorder, by a different neurologist.  My symptoms spiraled downhill quickly, by July 4th 2012, my symptoms effected my entire body a massive 24/7 headache, difficulty swallowing, slurred speech, couldn’t eat my stomach was completely paralyzed, lungs were weak, severe emphysema, severe back problems, fingers withered into a fist, unable to lift my arms, legs, bowels, bladder all completely paralyzed.  I had home health care: a nurse, speech and swallowing therapist and a physical therapist.  It had been six months since I had eaten a solid meal.  July 4th 2012 is when Our Gracious Lord and Savior healed me, at around 2:00 pm. 
That is my testimony, but through my healing Jesus has showed me a number of things I want to share.  They are about faith, Grace and expectation. 
My spiritual condition December 23rd 2010, I accepted Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  I was baptized in the wheelchair April 23, 2011 and married to my wife on March 12, 2011.  Now, I had not read the Bible as an adult, so my mind wasn’t renewed, but I had faith that Jesus would heal me.  So much faith that when in April 2011, the doctor gave me the diagnoses of ALS; I told her that Jesus would heal me, and the two social workers (that were telling my wife I needed to be in a nursing home) and two nurses.  I one hundred percent believed what I said; Jesus stated that in Matthew 17:20 “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” This was in direct reference to healing. My point here is that it only takes an extremely small amount of faith to be healed and I had it!  It takes more faith to believe in salvation than it does for healing……….why? Because the manifestation of salvation doesn’t happen until a bodily death!  Healing (in most cases happens while we are alive and we see it’s physical manifestation).  Jesus was actually saying look guys, it doesn’t take that much faith, you’ve already got it!  There are millions of people that have had the faith to be healed, yet aren’t.  We all know someone that died, that had enough faith to be healed and I could have easily been one of them.  Yet, in spite of Jesus statement that it takes a small amount of faith, we continually point at that person and think that they lack faith, wrong, wrong, wrong and in most cases wrong!  In fact, while I was in the wheelchair, the pastor of my church stated that when someone doesn’t get healed: it’s their lack of faith………this was about a week before my healing!  People that haven’t accepted Jesus, have enough faith to be healed, I’ve seen it!  So if someone states I believe God heals,  they have enough faith, so quit trying to get something you’ve already got!! Can we build upon our faith; yes it is a process and with each step we do progress towards more faith, but faith as far as healing is concerned most of us have it.  So take my word on it, I had the faith to be healed, but wasn’t for a year and a half. In all honesty, the morning of my healing, I can honestly say I didn’t have the faith, yet I was healed.  Two weeks earlier I had tried to commit suicide by running my wheelchair into traffic.  So can I state that it was my “great faith” that got me healed, absolutely not.  I still believed God could heal me, but had lost the belief that He would.

GOD’s Grace is enough. When it comes to salvation, what do we have to do to earn it?  We can do nothing to earn salvation, except confess with our mouth that Jesus is our Lord and Savior and took the punishment for our sins and believe it in our heart.  That’s it, salvation is a free gift that Jesus earned for us.  How many of us, would state that in order to be saved, we have to recite John 3:16 everyday, ten times a day until we feel we’re saved?  Listen to a salvation cd everyday for ten years, until we earn our salvation?  Do we earn salvation? No!!!  Yet, that is exactly what we do with healing.  Healing is the same as salvation it is a Gift, we can do absolutely nothing to earn it.  When do we receive Salvation, when we confess with our mouths! Does it matter that yesterday; I was cussing like a sailor? No, because when I repent of my sins and confess with my mouth and believe in my heart; I receive. 
God is so merciful that when conditions are met, we receive forgiveness and salvation.  Healing isn’t based on our actions; the condition for healing isn’t based upon what I did two minutes ago.  News flash, when I was healed my mind wasn’t renewed, I wasn’t thinking like a Saint.  I was thinking like a sinner, with a very evil mind.  I was still listening to satanic music, watching movies, which magnified the devil.  From an exterior viewpoint I wasn’t actively doing sin, because I was paralyzed, but my thoughts were anything but pure.  My point is this; God’s Grace to us is Jesus.  Just as salvation isn’t based on our action, neither is healing.  No matter the condition of our soul, Jesus will heal; it’s the same process; confess, believe and accept.  Ok, so at the time I confessed to the doctor and others that Jesus would heal me, I believed it, why didn’t I receive it, at that moment?  1 Corinthians 1:29 that no flesh should glory in his presence.
Galatians 5:4
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
Here’s what happened when I confessed healing, it was with a mindset, that my faith was the reason I would be healed! In other words I could have stated it was my faith that healed me. It’s Christ that heals, not the fleshy mind. I would have taken the Glory away from Christ, and given it to my body/mind! 
The law is based upon our actions, not on Christ. So unwittingly I based my healing on my action, so God’s Grace/Favor (Jesus action) was made inactive.  The same way as if I recited healing scripture, thinking in doing that action, my healing would manifest!
In contrast, if I recite healing scripture to increase my expectation of healing, then it becomes effective and is no longer based on my action! This leads me to the final key point. Expectation! Hope is confident expectation. If my hope is in the Lord for healing, then I am confidently expecting my healing to manifest.  No longer is it anything I do, but it is all Jesus!  My faith activates my confident expectation, and then through Holy Spirit my healing manifests physically!  So here is what happened in my healing. I was sitting in my living room, I was feeling sorry for myself.  Then the thought (Holy Spirit) entered my mind that Jesus went through so much more than I was going through. I had a vision of Christ’s scourging and crucifixion (it was as if I had been there). After a year of not seeking healing anymore, suddenly my confident expectation increased (this was all a matter of seconds).  I started saying Jesus loves me (3x) Back Pain be gone (3x) In Jesus Name (3) I then moved at the waist, it took me a second to realize the pain was gone! So I had confessed, believed/expected, and received. Now all unbelief was gone and full of only one thing confident expectation, that Jesus would heal me! No doubt, no second guessing only expectation.  I just did the same thing with my fingers, they moved!  Then unwittingly I wheeled my way to the entrance of the bedroom, showed my wife (confessing healing), told her Jesus willing I would be back this time walking (expectation).  This time it was just the declaring legs move in Jesus Name they moved, then gratitude Thank You Jesus, which I had been doing this whole time as well.  Then it was; Jesus don’t let me fall and I stood up and walked.  As for the rest of my symptoms they just started disappearing, my arms starting moving, then that evening when a friend said can you eat, as soon as she said that I got hungry for the first time in six years!  Confess (speak it), expect it (believe), movement (receive).
It all works together and really happens without conscious thought, it isn’t ok step one confess it, step two do this nooooo. It is if I am confidently expecting it, I speak it aloud, then I’m declaring it, the end result is doing something I couldn’t do before, because I’m expecting Jesus to heal.

It isn’t a formula, it’s Jesus! Everyone arrives to confident expectation, in a different manner.  The truth is this when you expect Jesus to heal He does! As I’m speaking now your expectation is increasing so thank Jesus, expect and move/recognize your healing and then Praise Him more!!
Seek an intimate relationship with Jesus, a relationship increases, both Faith and Hope.  Jesus’ Love for us is key and we know His Love through intimacy and then we Love Him back more. With an intimate relationship, we know He wants to heal us.