
Saturday, April 5, 2014

God's Love and Mercy...awesome!!

Ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God”
I watched my appearance as a guest on the show “healing miracles”, last night. It was very enlightening,  it is so revealing, that even when I didn’t acknowledge Jesus, He acknowledged and protected me.  As Believers, we zone in on God’s Judgment and Wrath, yet many of us do not think on His Loving Kindness.  Yet we miss out, because without true understanding of His personal love for us, we will never reach our potential as His Saints.  In Ephesians Paul shows us how to have the fullness of God in our life, and that is to know beyond knowledge Christ’s Love.  Many people read this and instantly think it’s about showing others brotherly love, it isn’t. We must first intimately know His Love for us, or all we’ve got to share is unstable human love.  Human Love points to the negative,  wants judgment and punishment to correct those who are not living “right”.  The Pharisees couldn’t wait, to point a finger, accuse and then punish.  Jesus couldn’t wait to show love and mercy.  Human love starts with “Brother I’m saying this out of love”.  The Love of Jesus, points out who I am In Christ. 
I am so fortunate, to be Loved by a wonderfully loving Lord and Savior.  Who isn’t there waiting to strike me down, the moment I fail.  One verse that is so very mis-interpreted is this John 16:10 “Of righteousness, because I go to My Father and ye see me no more.” In other words Holy Spirit convinces us that we are the righteousness of God, because Jesus finished the job. The verse before” of sin, because they believe not on me;” Holy Spirit convinces us that we are sinners, so we are led to Jesus. Then He starts convincing us of our righteousness in Christ! The voice that tells you that you’re a sinner barely saved by Grace is the wrong voice. Holy Spirit draws you to Jesus, then convicts you of being the righteousness of God.  Many of you will disagree with this, Holy Spirit is the Comforter; not the accuser.  Look at how Jesus treats Peter on their first meeting after Jesus was resurrected. 

One who’s had a deeper understanding of His Love, and is secure In His Love, goes out and shares that Love. After my healing and to this day, my compassion is on what I can share with others, not what I can receive.  When I meet others that hate me, I can love and honor them, in spite of their actions and feel no need to defend myself.